The Cambridge & District Humane Society is committed to proactively meeting the needs of persons with disability. The purpose of the Accessibility Policy is to remove barriers to accessing and participating in The Cambridge & District Humane Society’s services, including its website, while allowing persons with disability to maintain dignity and independence. The Cambridge & District Humane Society understands that disabilities and accessibility barriers come in many different forms and degrees; We will not prejudge a person’s ability or capacity.
The Cambridge & District Humane Society strives to fully integrate persons with disability into the organization by providing equal opportunities for participation and advancement.
The Cambridge & District Humane Society will always look towards the best practices for removing barriers to accessibility. We strive to be compliant with the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005, its regulations, and standards. The Cambridge & District Humane Society will quickly react to correct any deficiencies.
The Cambridge & District Humane Society’s responsibilities towards persons with disability
We will ensure compliance with all applicable laws respecting persons with disability.
We understands that disabilities come in many forms and degrees. We will not assume what a person can or cannot do, or whether they require accommodation. Our staff will politely ask how they can accommodate a person with disability.
We will foster a culture that treats persons with disability with respect and dignity.
We will foster open and constructive communication regarding accessibility within The Cambridge & District Humane Society community, including its website.
Employee Hiring & Training
We accommodate employees with disabilities.
We do not discriminate against a current or prospective employee’s disabilities.
We train staff to effectively communicate and interact with people with different types of disability.
We train staff on how to accommodate different disabilities in participating in The Cambridge & District Humane Society’s services and programs.
We ensure its hiring practices accommodate persons with disability; The Cambridge & District Humane Society will ask prospective employees how their disability can be accommodated during the interview process.
We ensure that all staff are informed of the Accessibility Policy and the available supports to employees with disability.
Our Programming, Material, and Events
We consider how to make events and programming more accessible to persons with disability and ask invitees how they can be accommodated.
When possible, The Cambridge & District Humane Society will make documents and signage easier to read by using a large sized font. If any person has difficulty reading The Cambridge & District Humane Society material or website, we will provide alternative options.
We provide, on request, information in an accessible format to persons with disability, in a manner that takes their disability into account.
We proactively investigate ways to accommodate persons with disability and increase accessibility across the organization.
We try to hold events in physically accessible venues, with consideration towards mobility, lighting, washrooms, signage, and transportation.
We encourage feedback from the public on how programming, content, material (written and digital), and events can be more accessible.
The Cambridge & District Humane Society Services
We will make every reasonable effort to ensure that all members of our community receive the same substantive level of service.
The Cambridge & District Humane Society Facilities
We incorporate accessibility criteria into their procurement process, with the aim of acquiring goods and services that facilitate accessibility.
We quickly respond to concerns about broken equipment designed to facilitate accessibility.
Improving the Accessibility Policy
The Cambridge & District Humane Society will respond to inquiries or suggestions on how to improve the Accessibility Policy in a timely manner.
We will proactively identify and correct gaps in The Cambridge & District Humane Society’s accessibility.
The Cambridge & District Humane Society may solicit feedback on how well the organization is serving persons with disability.
There are circumstances that can make it impracticable to present content, material, programming or events in an accessible format. In these cases, The Cambridge & District Humane Society will use best efforts to provide our community with an accessible alternative. Should you need assistance in obtaining an accessible alternative for non-accessible content, material, programming or events, contact The Cambridge & District Humane Society directly.
If you have any questions about this Accessibility Policy, please contact (519) 623-7722 or email