Cambridge Bylaws & Reporting

Animal Services Cambridge is contracted by the City of Cambridge to uphold and enforce the Animal Bylaws.

Cambridge Bylaws we enforce: 171-13 (All animals except dog) and 172-13 (dog only).

For reporting in the Township of Puslinch please use the following online reporting form: online bylaw reporting for the Township of Puslinch

We respond to all calls submitted to our office.

Investigations into bylaw violations are conducted by our Animal Services Officers. The outcome for all submitted concerns are determined using the information provided from public complaint and evidence collected by our office/officers. If the information provided is found to be incorrect or incomplete, we are not able to complete the investigation, and the file will be closed. We cannot canvas an area or neighborhood for a possible owner to a complaint.

When reporting a by-law violation or concern, we do request your name and a phone number; if we require further information from you, as the complainant, we need a way to contact you.

To report an infraction, please complete the form below. Please note that we do not call complainants back with updates; you will be contacted only if we require further clarification for the information that has been provided by you.

Cambridge Online Bylaw Reporting

For more information regarding City of Cambridge animal by-law requirements, please visit the City of Cambridge Website.