Surrendering Your Pet

All surrenders must have a booked appointment.

Surrender Admissions

Surrender Admission Requirements

The Cambridge and District Humane Society understands the decision to surrender a pet is a very difficult one for you and for them.  Placing your animal in a Shelter will be stressful and we are eager to avoid this if possible.

At the Cambridge and District Humane Society our ability to take in animals directly from the public changes daily and is dependent on our available space and resources.  Space becomes available when the animals we have are adopted which is not something we know in advance.

Pets being considered for our adoption program must meet health & behavior requirements.

If you are surrendering your pet due to one of the following reasons, please explore our website as we may be able to assist.  Our goal is to keep pets with their families.

  • If you are unable to afford food, please visit

  • If you are unable to provide urgent medical care, please visit

  • If your pet is experiencing behavioral/temperament issues, please visit

When surrendering an animal you will be required to provide:

  • Photo Identification
  • Proof that the animal is yours and you have the right to surrender it
  • All veterinary records you have for the animal
  • Fill out an in depth questionnaire regarding the animal
  • Read, sign and understand the surrender form.

Please Note: All surrenders must have a booked appointment

A surrender fee may be charged at the time of admittance. For more information, please call the shelter to speak with our Animal Care Supervisor, 519-623-7722.